The Payload and ProtoMéthée’s Mission: Interview with Olivier Maes COO

The “payload” plays an essential role in the space segment, enabling the satellite to the satellite to fulfill its mission. But what is a payload, and how does it work? Today, Olivier MAES, COO of Prométhée Earth Intelligence, explains this essential technology. What is a payload and how does it work?  The payload, as its… Continue reading The Payload and ProtoMéthée’s Mission: Interview with Olivier Maes COO

World Satellite Business Week

From September 11 to 15, 2023, join us at World Satellite Business Week. Every year, World Satellite Business Week brings together decision-makers, managers, future investors, customers and partners. Since 1997, it has been : 1,500+ business leaders 300+ speakers 520+ public and private organizations 50+ countries represented 110+ sponsors more info


Every 2 years, Envirorisk brings together companies, local authorities, experts, certifiers, institutions and academics to examine technical issues in greater depth. and human risks associated with natural, technological and health hazards. The theme of the 19th edition, to be held on September 28 and 29, 2023, is “Innovation and collective intelligence for resilience”. more info

Nice Climate Summit

On September 28 and 29, 2023, the city of Nice will host the Nice Climate Summit organized by the Metropole de Nice Côte d’Azur, the City of Nice and La Tribune at the Palais de la Méditerranée. An international event dedicated to biodiversity and climate, based on research and innovation, with cities at the forefront… Continue reading Nice Climate Summit

ONERA Newspace conference

Join us at the Hangar Y in Meudon on September 21 and 22, 2023 to talk about space serving the environment with Olivier PIESPZ, CEO of Prométhée, at the NewSpace symposium organized by ONERA Alumni. more info

Connect by CNES NewSpace & public policies

The second Connect by CNES event took place in Nice on September 21. A day dedicated to the benefits of newspace for local authorities. Grand défi 1 – Environment Grand défi 2 – Open access and IoT Grand défi 3 – Risk management Grand défi 4 – Littering Grand défi 5 – Protecting and monitoring… Continue reading Connect by CNES NewSpace & public policies

At the New Space Conference, the space industry meets the needs of manufacturers

This Wednesday, June 28, Pierre-José Billotte, founder of the Assises du NewSpace, Olivier Piepsz, president and co-founder of Prométhée, and Thanh-Long Huynh, co-founder of QuantCube Technology, discussed the Assises du New Space, a forum for exchanging ideas on where the space sector is heading to meet the needs of industry, on the Tech & Co… Continue reading At the New Space Conference, the space industry meets the needs of manufacturers

Prométhée Earth Intelligence, New Space startup Made in France

French space start-ups take center stage at the Paris Air Show 2023. We (re)present 14 of them over the course of the week. In No. 11 (in alphabetical order): Prométhée Earth Intelligence, created in 2020. Read more

Earth Observation: Prométhée Earth Intelligence takes its place in the sun

Hemeria will supply Prométhée Earth Intelligence with more than 20 satellites weighing around 50 kilos for Japetus, its Earth observation constellation. Prométhée Earth Intelligence is on fire… Nearly three years after its creation, the start-up headed by Olivier Piepsz is making a name for itself in the closed circle of Earth observation players. Read more

Prométhée Earth Intelligence chooses CS GROUP

CS GROUP has been selected by Prométhée Earth Intelligence, the NewSpace operator of nanosatellite constellations for Earth Observation, whose mission is to make the Earth accessible to all for a safer, more sustainable world. Supported by CNES, the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty as part of the France Relance… Continue reading Prométhée Earth Intelligence chooses CS GROUP

MARSEILLE: Viva Tech – Prométhée Earth Intelligence, environmental and strategic intelligence

On May 17, Bernard KLEYNHOFF, Regional Councillor, President of the Commission for Economic and Digital Development, Industry, Export, Attractiveness and Cybersecurity, President of risingSUD, representing Renaud MUSELIER, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, President Delegate of Régions de France, welcomed startups from the Région Sud delegation to the Vivatech Kick Off. Read more

Geospatial data: all you need to know

Donnée Géospatiale : Tout ce qu’il faut savoir

Phillipe Mateu, our Geo Int expert at Prométhée Earth Intelligence, reveals everything there is to know about geospatial data. What is geospatial data? Prométhée Earth Intelligence uses earth observation satellites, the geospatial data is the pixel of an image and within this pixel we can have a lot of information that is brought in notably… Continue reading Geospatial data: all you need to know

The benefits of remote sensing from space: Interview with Youssef Houali

The democratization of earth observation is one of our objectives, which also involves training and information. Youssef Houali, one of our GIS and remote sensing experts, answers our questions and explains all about spatial remote sensing. Briefly, what is remote sensing from space? Remote sensing refers to the set of technologies and skills used to… Continue reading The benefits of remote sensing from space: Interview with Youssef Houali

With the first Ocean Space Forum, Monaco highlights the role of space in preserving the oceans

At the initiative of Prométhée Earth Intelligence, the Princely Government and CNES, a one-day workshop was held on Tuesday, dedicated to the role of NewSpace in preserving the oceans. A first. Read more

Environment: when space helps protect the oceans How can space data help protect the oceans? Giao-Minh Nguyen, CEO and co-founder of Prométhée Earth Intelligence, guest of Monaco Info at the Ocean Space Forum held on April 4, 2023 at the Musée Océanographique. rolex put your amazing allure and chic type are placed out there. carries on to redesign not to… Continue reading Environment: when space helps protect the oceans

Prométhée Earth Intelligence: making satellite imagery work for sustainable development

Prométhée Earth Intelligence is now France’s leading operator of nanosatellite constellations for Earth observation. Its aim is to democratize the use of satellite imagery as a tool for sustainable development and sovereignty. This start-up is one of the “100 start-ups to invest in in 2023” selected by Challenges. Read more

Newspace at the service of seas and oceans: Prométhée Earth Intelligence, CNES and Monaco’s Bureau des Affaires Spatiales join forces to organize the first Ocean Space Forum

“The urgency of tracking to monitor and preserve ocean spaces has never been greater than in the current context of global socio-economic changes imposed by climate disruption and increasing anthropogenic pressure. This is why Prométhée Earth Intelligence has decided, together with CNES and Monaco’s Bureau des Affaires Spatiales, to act together to respond to maritime… Continue reading Newspace at the service of seas and oceans: Prométhée Earth Intelligence, CNES and Monaco’s Bureau des Affaires Spatiales join forces to organize the first Ocean Space Forum

Olivier Piepsz was Yann Le Goff’s guest on Air et Cosmos

Olivier Piepsz

  “Olivier Piepsz, President of Prométhée Earth Intelligence, explained this in an interview with Air et Cosmos.

A look back at International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Interview with Juliette Aumonier

Juliette Aumonier

February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This year, it focused on the role of women, girls and science in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and on this occasion Prométhée decided to honor one of these women, Juliette Aumonier, BID Manager at Prométhée Earth Intelligence.   What does International Day of… Continue reading A look back at International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Interview with Juliette Aumonier

The Earth Observation Platform (EOP): The digital Earth observation platform